Second Wind

This week has been a revival week. After a month of travel spurts, or visitors, it has been challenging to get back into my routine of devoting time to writing and art. I note I've become more of a ponderer less of an active participant save a day or two here and there. Well unless you count web-design (ugg). However, I find I am smoothing out that ripple in my routine and am surprisingly rather focused. I am happy to report postcards are being ordered, a step towards making my dream career a possibility. And, on top of that, my routine of a daily sketch has successfully been achieved for a whopping three days now :) Thanks Toast. I will happily post the latest of my snoozing dog later.
I have discovered that it is often easier for me to illustrate when working with a text. As a writer, I have a tendency to be stubborn that this text ought to be my own. Somehow, the art I do, ie. sketches, in my brain registers as art, or practice, but not specific illustration. So, I have spent this past month digging out the old children's literature stories from college and have started the process of storyboarding... and editing. As I have been working on my biography of Trina Schart Hyman consistently, the process of writing and editinig is fresh and I enjoy that work right alongside my present sketching/storyboarding. So, as today is an open day from web-design work, I'm off for a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee--yes, I've been converted to a coffee drinker (two sugars for me please!) and back to the drawing board.
So glad to see that you are blogging! Check out also there is a BLOG called The Miss Rumphius Effect!
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