Goose Pond Makes a Wish
So physically I haven't been doing so well as of late, and no it's not like last years dog-broke-arm and couldn't paint, it's a whole host of other unexplainable things that have me so I can no longer--or I should say, temporarily cannot paint or draw or really write right handed. It's quite a humbling experience. There are additional components that make it more so too but not worth getting into. Anyways, one of my friends facebooked me and said, "Is this trip a Make-a-Wish-Foundation-Trip?" in reference to me going to Spain in early May. No, it was not, despite my "ailments" having had befallen me at that point. But another friend asked, "Where would you go if you had the Make-a-Wish-Foundation-Trip or even just if you were healthy enough to walk?" And I thought. And I thought. And I said, "Honestly, my favorite place to be right now would be where there's the dip down to the water around Goose Pond, where the pine needles are always dried up and in the sun and smell so good and you get a clear glimpse of the sky--I'd like to be there."
Simple things.
I use to walk around Goose Pond as a Roots and Wings kid--a summer camp for us to learn about nature (total New England thing). I've taken all my best friends who have ever visited me for walks around this pond (no road access) and often walk both Orion and Chloe at different points in my life around this space. I've seen it when it's slip-slid ice season, when it's murky mud puddles and perfectly dry paths. It's just a natural part of my being.
So while I can't exactly dive into watercolors I had fun doing this one last night as my sketch because I'm getting grumpy that my health is so interupting my general life that all I seem to do is exist in its presence. So this weekend instead, I worked on my Trina book--her chapter on Illness and felt again the connection that makes me relate to her in a way like no other human. I read her writings on Human Rights which seemed straight up her experience with breast cancer and modern medicine and thought boy what I wouldn't give to sit and chat with you right now... (no folks, no breast cancer here) but I could relate to the modern medicine dismissal. Like please, hurry up, you're wasting our time.
Anyways, so between Trina and my sketch, I pulled myself out of a three day not feeling my most positive self space and I'm pretty happy about that even if the picture looks not like my most amazing piece of art. But it's a portrait of me and my times in that spot.

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