Salem Bookshop

Recently my friend came into town for a fun romp around New England and we stumbled upon this hilarious bookstore. Walking in the door, we heard a voice drift over the stacks of books, calling out a greeting. Looking around, we could not find the source of this voice, seeing only rows upon rows of slightly cock-eyed books stacked so high, a person would have to weave carefully between the stacks to avoid an avalanche of sorts. Yet, sure enough, there it was again,
"Hello Ladies, all the books are fifty-percent off."
Jumping just a little, I noticed a tiny gap in the books just inside the door that reveled a grey haired man peeking out from his self-designed office--a squared off section walled off in books.
Continuing into the store, JP and I looked for Trina books, always hoping for a discovery, and whispered about the unusual style of the "check-out" area where one would likely have to pass their books through the tiny gap in which the man's "office" was established. It was however, a magical little store, smack in the center of Salem, MA, land of the witches, that made us both smile as we departed the rows of books, and creaky wooden floors to venture back out into the snow.
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