The Musings of Molly

A blog primarily chronicling the artistic and writerly endeavors of a girl who moves with the change in wind patterns, and is always trying to puzzle out, and explore the life given.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Morning Posts

Woo hoo! It's my first day off in a long line of holiday retail hours! What a relief! I can do my laundry, tidy my room and best of all D-R-A-W!!! The other day while pumping my car full of gas I was reflecting on the path my life has lately been existing on... compared to my days in art school where my sole job was to move charcoal around paper. While I have a fantastic time at my job interacting with folks and teaching them things that make them smile, I have missed the general time I use to have drawing or more specifically painting. So I am happy to report with three days off this week, it's going to be a drawing/painting revolution... complete with completion of a much-belated Christmas present and hopefully some illustrating.

That aside, I am sitting here in 0 degree weather with my new birthday mug from the Cape, drinking coffee, snuggled in my fleece coat (it's pathetic but I'm out of long-sleeved shirts), pulling out all the books for my mum to see (books from my extended friend Christmas), and just reveling in the day ahead. With a six a.m. wake up that involved my dad and my oldest OH friend (who I discovered is in New England for the quarter) piling on their snow ski/boarding clothes and stumbling out for a day on the slopes, and my mum fixing breakfast (thrilled to pass up her ski day because I roped my pal into it), things are looking good. I am still addicted to Sookie Stackhouse, and am looking forward to, pause here now, listening to her, rather than Justin Timberlake while I clean. I know. It's a shocker. JT is being passed over for Sookie.

So with grand plans for the day, my south Boston accent well in practice, my hands itching for the exercise that is drawing, I shall be off!


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