The Musings of Molly

A blog primarily chronicling the artistic and writerly endeavors of a girl who moves with the change in wind patterns, and is always trying to puzzle out, and explore the life given.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How does it feel to be Old?

Today as I passed the "free bin" of books teachers and the librarians are passing off at the close of the year, I found another Trina book poking it's head out amongst the others. Out of solid respect for Trina, no book of hers should be left in a free bin and I always pick them up. This one made me chuckle though... "How does it feel to be Old?" a book by Norma Farber--an oldie goldie that I already had a copy of but always admired the exquisite line work Trina used. How does it feel to be old? I shook my head with my chuckle as I walked ever so slowly back to my room where my walker was propped against the air conditioning unit. I walk like an 80 year-old right now, constantly reminding myself to slow down so to be able to make it to my destinations without the walker. I pause in the hallways propped against the walls as the walk from office to my room is just too far. How does it feel? I think I'm getting a picture of my own but still have to smile that THAT would be the book I find in the box.


Blogger Kelley's Cause said...

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June 26, 2013 at 10:48 AM  
Blogger Kelley's Cause said...

I know exactly how you feel Moll. When I was 21-22 I would spend my evenings drinking Earl Grey tea, eating prunes, and getting into bed at 7:30p. One day I realized my pattern and was like "fuck! What am I 80?" Oh how I miss being a young 18. Just remember with aging comes wisdom or so they say. One day we will revert to super awesome functionality and our gained wisdom will make us the coolest people around.

June 26, 2013 at 11:27 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

I think you're probably right Kell. We'll be so much better prepared and adjusted too ;)

June 29, 2013 at 6:45 PM  

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