Birthday Plans

As tomorrow marks the beginning of a new year, it also marks my 27th birthday--it's true. So the picture on the left is the very last of my young self. While I use to find my birthday often shared with everyone and so close to Christmas a bit of a drag, I've really come to love this day because I can look forward to a true new beginning. Not only does the entire world (save China) mark it as a day to turn a new leaf, but I get to move up one notch on years that I have spent on this earth and lately, I am ever hopeful for what up and coming year holds for me as I continue to grow as a person. While twenty-six was an odd year for me, feeling unsettled with where to live, where to be, unfinished tugs on the heart strings, I also had some wonderful experiences and met some charming and delightful friends. And, as a whole, I feel like I have begun to truly gage my own patterns, steps, rhythms--a skill often challenging, but rewarding and prideful as well.
Traditionally, I spend my birthday with my family or my favorite people, but I find this year, I am looking forward to the solitude of myself and my paint brushes. It has been a very busy holiday season, full of travel, craziness at work, moving to my own apartment, and general nuttiness so much so I just want to be still, reconnect with what I enjoy, remember what it is that I truly wish to be doing in life while all of the rest of life catches up with me, pulling all directions but the stool beside my desk. So the tidying of the apartment will be this evening. A trip to Dunkin Donuts with my neighbor in the morning (to do something special) and then off I will roll in to Molly space, humming along to Chris Pureka and pushing paint around on the canvas. I'll be sure to post some befores and afters.
And with that, I'm off to put away my Christmas pans (thanks fedex!) and wish you all a very lovely New Year. I genuinely hope everyone's year might be their very best one yet.
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