Finley Market

Today Lauren and I ventured out to the historic Finley Market in Cincinnati, Ohio. Having never been to Finley Market before, I imagined it to be something like a grandiose farmer's market, but found it entirely different with shops inside selling real meat, and baked goods and people bustling around like busy bees. The outside with the tables and small shops reminded me of downtown Boston's Quincy Market, or San Francisco near the loading docks for Socilito. Lauren and I plunked down at some of the tables set up for people, and had some time to do some quick sketches, thus seen below. We also tried seriously the best waffles I've ever had at the Belgium Waffle section. Yum, yum! Fruit and whipped cream! Having taken a two week break from sketching though I must say I was slightly more frustrated to start because I couldn't figure things out. "Be patient. You know how to do this," was my mantra as I stumbled through the first sketch. I caught on soon enough but it just goes to show how art is a practice and a discipline that if you skip, you can get out of shape quickly.
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