Touching Base

Recognizing that I have hugely neglected this blog is less disturbing than the fact that compliments to the holidays in the retail world in which I work, I have not had much time to create art. However, today, on the first of my double days off I have reveled in my art desk, my art overalls, and finishing up some holiday gifts. Above you can see the finished xmas card. It is off to UPrinting for proofing and then should be in the mail-- I am thrilled to bring in this New Years, wave good bye to my previous year, carve a notch on the birthday years, welcome 2010, so if it doesn't make it in for Christmas, then it can be a Happy Winter/New Years!
So despite not having a lot of time at the painting and drawing, I have been knitting as though it is my one clutch in life as I drive forever back and forth to work. This has been a nice relaxing way to fill my break hours and minutes, as oppose to staring at computers, or mindlessly roaming the mall. I am getting ready to prep for another trip to the world's largest knitting store (in Northampton, MA) soon--a world of color.
I also have become addicted to Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta series on books on tape. Typically I am a strict lover of books, the physical book, so that I can revel in the page turn, the smell, where the words fall on the page ect. But, recognizing the need to stay connected with the world of literacy I have since had my opinion on books converted to the audio and can admit to enjoying listening to stories on my way down to work. Cornwell's series is all about a forensic scientist--an alter ego lifestyle I once thought I'd have... and after six books in the last month, I pretty much feel as though these characters are my pals. Trouble is, I sped through her 2009 new release so I'm in those torturous days where I have to wait for at least a year HOPING to hear what is to come of Scarpetta, Lucy (my favorite character), Benton, and Marino. That is the latest in my literary and art world.
OH! And I had a fabulous interview with Rich Michelson from R. Michelson's galleries ( in Northampton, MA recently about Trina Schart Hyman. Rich owns a gallery that features both 'fine' artists and illustrators of children's books. One of the chapters I have still to wrap up is on illustrations out in the public and private collector world. Rich had such a fabulous way of storytelling, that I delighted in listening to him share his experiences as a gallery owner and his relationship with Trina. Having opinions of my own, I was happy that his sharing fell right in line with what I was hoping to have a gallery owner or collector share. I am itching to touch base with one other set of gallery owners and then dive into the writing. If anyone knows of any private collectors that have Trina's work, please pass my info or their info along to me so that I might have a chance to talk with them--so far, I have a nice balance of both, but am always looking for perspectives on Trina from those who admire her work such as I do.