The Musings of Molly

A blog primarily chronicling the artistic and writerly endeavors of a girl who moves with the change in wind patterns, and is always trying to puzzle out, and explore the life given.

Monday, December 30, 2013

And for some light

Late night reversal sketch

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Recap and records

Today I stood without trouble for a record three hours maybe? I mean I had a touch of trouble after but since my average is :20 minutes no Advil I'm pretty pumped.
In doing so, it was noted I haven't updated my blogs as much as I should--I was making pies and cookies with a friend, and I may have been grumbling about how much I'd rather the pie crust be clay...but I was enjoying the meticulous pinching of the dough and designing the air friend being a stellar consultant. 
Anyways, those things aside, here are some of the latest--the watercolor house my project last night after sitting at my studio desk for an hour wondering what I'd like to do, "Here I am studio desk. I showed up! Now help me come up w what to do!"