Side note...

I know this blog is primarily suppose to be about my art but with fourteen days remaining till my existences changes, I have to share that I have finally made it to the bookstore to pick up some important books. Luckily for me, I have a friend who has had labradors before who has become my "Lab Lady" or "Lab Resource" because it's always comforting to have a go-to person that might know what you're going through introducing a little labrador into your life. Granted, I have had the gift of bringing one labrador up to some extent--at least was privy to the early days of potty training and whatnot, but I feel secure in having a wiser person to have my back. Upon a nice long email, with tips and trips, discoveries, and wish-I-discovered... I picked up two of the recommended books. Then a friend of mine who has a dog loaned me her Dog Training for Dummies to so all and all I'm pretty well stocked up with my reading materials.
I also put the invite out there to see if I could go visit my little fellow next week on my day off. I figure it might be nice for him to have another opportunity to meet me before we hang out for the rest of our lives together (okay I'll probably out live him, but he can hang around in spirit). So I'll see what my breeder says and if so, get my driving feet on and loop my fine self out to the Kentucky country.
Truthfully, half of my reason for wanting to go is also just to play with him a little bit more grown upish. Also so I can bring him his blanket and have it smell like his mum and siblings a bit too so he can have that scent around when he comes back with me. Luckily for him, his sister will only live twenty minutes away and maybe the family that picks her up will keep in touch with us.
There's a lot of responsibility in getting a dog, lots to read, lots of opinions to absorb. I figure it must be kind of like raising kids. Half of it you over prepare for and the majority you fly by the seat of your pants and hope for the best.